LiveKit Installation Guide for Windows

Required Software

  • Git
  • Python (version 3.11.9 recommended)
  • Poetry (Python package manager)
  • LiveKit server for Windows
  • FFmpeg

Installation Steps

1. Python Installation

Install Python 3.11.9 (latest version < 3.12) using the binary installer.

2. Poetry Installation

Poetry installation on Windows can be challenging. If you encounter SSL certificate verification issues, try this workaround:

  1. Download the installation script from and save it as

  2. Modify the get(self, url): method in the script to disable certificate verification:

    def get(self, url):
        import ssl
        import certifi
        request = Request(url)
        context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where())
        context.check_hostname = False
        context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
        with closing(urlopen(request, context=context)) as r:
  3. Run the modified script to install Poetry.

  4. Add Poetry’s bin directory to your PATH:

3. LiveKit Server Installation

  1. Download the latest release of LiveKit server for Windows (e.g.,
  2. Extract the livekit-server.exe file to your /software directory.

4. FFmpeg Installation

  1. Download the FFmpeg Windows build from:
    • Choose the (non-shared suffix) version.
  2. Extract the compressed zip and add the FFmpeg bin directory to your PATH.

5. Final Setup

  1. Run poetry install. If you encounter an error about Microsoft Visual C++, install “Microsoft C++ Build Tools”:

  2. Set up your Anthropic API key:

    setx ANTHROPIC_API_KEY [your_api_key]
  3. Modify to correctly locate and run the LiveKit server:

    • Set the LiveKit path:
      livekit_path = "path/to/your/01/software/livekit-server"
    • Modify the server command for Windows:
      f"{livekit_path} --dev --bind {server_host} --port {server_port}"

    Note: Remove the > /dev/null 2>&1 section from the command as it’s not compatible with Windows.


  • If you encounter “ffmpeg not found” errors or issues when sending messages, ensure FFmpeg is correctly installed and added to your PATH.
  • For any SSL certificate issues during installation, refer to the Poetry installation workaround provided above.