Connecting your 01 device to the server

  1. Start the 01 server on your computer:

    poetry run 01 --server light

    This command starts the server and generates a URL.

    For remote connections, use:

    poetry run 01 --server light --expose

    This generates a public URL accessible from anywhere.

  2. Connect your 01 device to the server using one of these methods:

    a) Hardcode credentials:

    • Modify the Wi-Fi and server credentials at the top of the client.ino file.
    • Flash the modified file to the ESP32.
    • This method is quick but less flexible for changing details later.

    b) Use the captive portal:

    • Power on your 01 device.
    • Connect to the ‘01-light’ Wi-Fi network from your computer or smartphone.
    • A captive portal page should open automatically. If not, open a web browser.
    • Enter your Wi-Fi details and the server URL from step 1.
    • Click ‘Connect’ to save settings and connect your device.

After successful connection, your 01 device will be ready to communicate with the server.